Integrated Circuit Vs Microprocessor
Integrated Circuit Vs Microprocessor. The difference between Integrated circuit and Microprocessor. An integrated circuit can be a collection of many transistors arranged to do many functions besides processing.
In this video, we will understand the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller. They are the ubiquitous little black "chips" Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and FPGAs, all packing thousands, millions, even billions of transistors into a tiny chip, are all integrated circuits. These memories are built into the microcontroller.
The processing components used for embedded devices can be divided into two broad categories; Microcontrollers Microprocessors on the other hand are general purpose computing devices which incorporate all the functions of the central processing unit on a chip.
The microprocessor needs an external ROM or EEPROM to store its control program.
Integrated circuits (ICs) are a keystone of modern electronics. It is a complete computer and has all the essential components needed on a single chip such as the processing unit, ROM, RAM, I/O ports. These memories are built into the microcontroller.