Integrated Circuit Technology
Integrated Circuit Technology. A monolithic integrated circuit (also known as IC, microchip, silicon chip, computer chip or chip) is a miniaturized electronic circuit (consisting mainly of semiconductor devices, as well as passive components). Since then this concept has reached great technological heights than any other concepts and has helped in the miniaturization of.
Integrated circuits are used in virtually all electronic equipment today and have revolutionized the Integrated circuit has since come to refer to the single-piece circuit construction originally known as.
They are the heart and brains of When we think integrated circuits, little black chips are what come to mind.
Integrated Circuits (IC) - Concept, Classification and Advantages. The development of integrated circuits technology has led to the creation of SSI circuits. An integrated circuit, commonly referred to as an IC, is a microscopic array of electronic circuits At the time, transistors and printed circuit boards were the state-of-the-art electronic technology.